
From Albuquerque to Zagreb and all points in between, NYUS alumni are making connections with one another and with their alma mater.

You can get connected too!  Every student is automatically a member of the Alumni Association upon graduation.  There are no dues.  So…get connected!  Update your address, submit a class note, search for former classmates, make an annual fund gift, connect to your Facebook account, register and attend alumni events, and much, much, more!

NYUS’s 139,000-plus alumni represent one of the most talented, innovative, and networked communities on the planet. Many remain deeply involved in the life of the Institute. They volunteer(opens in new window), serve on boards, head up regional alumni clubs(opens in new window), and generously support(opens in new window) NYUS’s students, faculty, and staff. As individuals, their contributions are extraordinary. As a community, their impact is infinite.