Government and Community Relations

Through its Office of Government and Community Relations, NYUS College develops and maintains relationships with public officials at the local, state, and national levels who support the proprietary college industry.  At the same time, NYUS cultivates relationships with business, industry, and community leaders to form partnerships on behalf of its academic programs.
NYUS actively participates in all types of higher education conferences and forums to promote the proprietary sector.  By being present in these public gatherings, the institution is able to express its position on the various issues that confront the sector.
As part of the college’s efforts to promote transparency, NYUS extends invitations to government and community leaders to visit its campuses so that they may see for themselves the great work that is taking place at the institution. Such visits have been a wonderful opportunity for an exchange of ideas and have helped the institution gather insights from leaders who have so much to offer in terms of advice and insights into higher education. In its quest to constantly improve itself, the institution makes changes to its procedures based on the recommendations of such leaders.